Coach Leslie Frazier has instituted a no-touch rule on RB Adrian Peterson during practice, and he said on Wednesday that he has not determined when the team will change it

Clearly Peterson would like it changed and QB Christian Ponder said Peterson lobbied hard during practice for Frazier to end the restriction.

But it didn’t happen, and as a result, Peterson looked good on Wednesday, taking several plays to the house. The coaches ramped up his participation at practice to four carries on 13 plays in full team drills and four snaps in 7-on-7 drills. Peterson certainly wants to get hit to further test his rehabbed knee, and that could happen soon.

“We talked about it (Tuesday) night,” said Frazier. “At some point here real soon, maybe next week, we will have to let him get a little contact. It depends a little bit on how he’s feeling and where he is. We are going to try to get him a few more reps today and increase that as we go along. But as far as contact, we will have to make a decision on that as time goes along.”

At the least his teammates have welcomed him back with a little trash talking. QB Christian Ponder threw Peterson a short sideline pass, and Peterson bobbled it, keeping the ball in the air for several long seconds before he dropped it and a somersaulted to the ground. LB Chad Greenway, defending on the play, ran by him out of bounds and then facetiously remarked as he returned to the field: “What a bad athlete that 28 is.”

Very soon he might fight out differently.

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