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Bryson DeChambeau stood over his third shot into the 72nd hole of the 2024 U.S. Open knowing precisely what he needed to do to win: get up and down. He had been doing it all day -- and all week -- but the stakes and the moment were inherently different with no regulation golf remaining should he fail.

From 55 yards, DeChambeau wielded his 55-degree wedge to perfection landing his ball short and watching it settle just inside 4 feet. The par putt was made, a one-stroke victory over Rory McIlroy was achieved, and well, the rest is history.

"G-Bo just said, 'Bryson, just get it up and down. That's all you've got to do. You've done this plenty of times before. I've seen some crazy shots from you from 50 yards out of a bunker,'" DeChambeau recalled his caddie speaking into his ear. "I said, 'You're right; I need a 55-degree. Let's do it.'"

DeChambeau's reaction to the shot -- and the subsequent putt -- says it all, but he wasn't the only one moved by his performance. Celebrities, athletes, peers and everyone in between couldn't help but explode as the 30-year-old hit one of the most clutch shots to close out a major championship in recent memory.

"I'm so happy I got that shot up and down on 18. … That bunker shot was the shot of my life," DeChambeau said. "I'll forever be thankful that I've got longer wedges so I can hit it farther, get it up there next to the hole."