A balky elbow sends Billingsley to an MRI. (Getty Images)

Chad Billingsley was scheduled to start Sunday. Instead, Chris Capuano got the ball for the Dodgers and Billingsley has a date with an MRI machine. And his boss isn't pleased.

We can't be sure how much pain Billingsley is in, but this seems like the classic paradox that faces professional athletes. Do you tell someone about pain and risk being branded weak or someone who makes excuses? Or do you play through the pain, believing it will go away and try to help your team continue to win?

We'll find out soon just how much damage Billingsley did to his elbow, but any time we discuss elbow injuries and MRIs, the words "Tommy John" can't help but bounce around the collective subconscious. Just remember, it could still merely be a minor strain.

Billingsley, 27, is 4-9 with a 4.30 ERA, 1.40 WHIP and 100 strikeouts in 104 2/3 innings.

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