Have you ever found yourself wondering what former big leaguer Mat Latos is up to these days? No? Me neither. But you're about to find out.

Saturday afternoon Latos, who is pitching for the New Jersey Jackals of the independent Canadian-American Association, sparked a massive brawl when he threw over the head of an opposing batter. Latos' catcher was run over at the plate on the previous play, and apparently he wasn't happy about it.

Here's the brawl. Latos goes inside with the first pitch, then over the batter's head with the second pitch, which led to the brawl. Don't miss the flying clothesline:

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Latos, by the way, is 1-2 with a 5.17 ERA in three starts for the Jackals so far this year. He appeared in three games with the Toronto Blue Jays last season and has spent most of the last few years bouncing from team to team. Now he's trying to work his way back to affiliated ball through an independent league.