The trade between the Tigers and Marlins worked out nicely for everyone.

Everyone expect Jacob Turner, that is.

Turner was in the Tigers' rotation but was told by the Marlins he was going to Triple-A once the trade was consummated that sent veteran righthander Anibal Sanchez and veteran infielder Omar Infante to Detroit for the righthanded pitching prospect Turner, catching prospect Rob Brantly and lefthanded pitching prospet Brian Flynn.

The trade worked for the Marlins, as it got some fine young talent while trading two solid veterans who weren't in the long-term plans. And it certainly worked for the Tigers, as they filled their gaping season-long hole at second base and added a veteran starter at a time the rotation seems to be coming together nicely.

But it was tough break for Turner, who was in the rotation for the Tigers but sent to the minors by the Marlins. Turner had just beaten the White Sox 6-4 Sunday as Detroit moved into first place. Overall, his ERA wasn't great -- 8.03 in 12 1/3 innings with Detroit -- but a demotion didn't appear in the offing with first-place Detroit.