Chaos ensued during a recent winter league Venezuelan baseball game featuring Aguilas del Zulia and Caribes de Anzoategui. On Wednesday, during the eighth inning, a fight broke out on the field that began after a player at home plate started swinging his bat at the catcher.

Alex Romero, former MLB outfielder, was at the plate when a pitch, that was far from a strike, set him off. The pitch went behind him and Romero reacted by taking his bat and swinging at the catcher, Gabriel Lino.

As he violently swung the bat, players rushed to the field and the scene quickly escalated. 

The brawl lead to the ejection of multiple players, according to Yahoo Sports. Six got the boot, including Romero, Lino and Caribes' pitcher Angel Nesbett.

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Romero is expected to receive further consequences after the ejection and a significant ban is not out of the question. He played for the Arizona Diamondbacks between 2008 and 2009. 

Minnesota Twins infielder Williams Astudillo was ejected, and No. 37 can be seen darting from first base as the fight began.

This exchange did not come out of nowhere as tensions were building throughout the night. The game saw ejections and the clearing of benches earlier in the night as well. 

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During the seventh inning, Caribes' Cesar Valera was hit by a pitch after back-to-back home runs by Niuman Romero and Alexi Amarista took place and things escalated leading to a fight. 

The clearing of the benches during that incident lead to the ejection of three players and Jackson Malian, Caribes' manager. 

In case you lost track of all the ejections, in total there were nine on the night and five batters were hit by pitches.

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The game was completed, despite a couple of long delays, and Caribes won by a final score of 13-2.