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The Boston Red Sox defeated the Milwaukee Brewers by a 2-1 final on Sunday afternoon (box score), but not before the two sides engaged in some extracurricular activities during the seventh inning that saw both benches empty.

Red Sox reliever Chris Martin was exiting the field after pitching a scoreless top of the seventh to keep the game knotted at 1-1 when he was verbally accosted by Brewers first-base coach Quentin Berry, a former big-league outfielder. Martin turned around and the benches emptied, but no punches were thrown and no ejections were handed out. Although it was difficult to discern what caused Berry's response during the game, afterward both sides illuminated what caused the tiff.

"I think their pitcher showed some emotion and I think our people thought it was directed at them," Brewers manager Pat Murphy told the Associated Press. "I don't know if it really was or it wasn't. I'm not going to speculate what the kid was doing. But if you're staring at somebody and you're saying it, it could be interpreted that you're saying it at them."

Martin, for his part, admitted that he had vocalized his annoyance at Milwaukee's bunt attempts.

"I probably said some things under my breath," Martin said, also per the AP. "That was kind of directed at that inning. I'll let you all determine what those things were. Heat of the moment. They bunted twice. You see they bunted there at the end of the game. I didn't like it. I know it's part of the game. ... I let 'em know. In this league, swing the bat."

Martin conceded that the Brewers meant no disrespect with their bunt attempts. Indeed, he pointed out that they were "probably a compliment," since it suggested they were not confident in their abilities to get a hit against him.