Jose Canseco is desperate for attention -- and thanks to Twitter, we give it to him. (US Presswire)

Jose Canseco has a way of making himself ... well, relevant isn't quite the right word, but coming up in conversation, if nothing else.

On New Year's Day, Canseco did something many Americans do -- make New Year's resolutions. He then shared them on Twitter. Canseco's top 10 resolutions included 11, because 10 tweets couldn't handle his wisdom.

What is Canseco hoping to accomplish in the new year? Well, he's glad you asked…

Well, that's sweet. I'm looking forward to this year with my daughter as well.

You're not alone there, Jose. I'm going with "healthier" since, you know ...

Ummm... that could be creepy...

Hey, while you're at it, why not add Pete Rose?

Wait, you or your brother?

@VictorConte may be able to help you.

Nah, all our politicians are doing a pretty good job at that, right? Canseco couldn't be worse than (insert the leader of the whichever party you disagree with here)? Amiright? (Apparently not.)

Well, that is a funner spelling for "entrepreneur." 

Brad Pitt has played Billy Beane, so why not Jose?

If his promotional deals are like his top-10 list, that could end up being 101 promotional deals.

A-list? Really Jose? I know you live in your own little world, but we've got to be a little more realistic here.

Jose, would you settle for's Eye on Baseball? Well, we're guessing you'll have to.

H/T: Buzzfeed

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