As mad as Bears fans are at Cody Parkey after a missed kick lost them the Wild Card Game against the Eagles, it doesn't seem to be anything compared to how he feels. After the game, Parkey told reporters that it is "one of the worst feelings in the world to let your team down," adding that he felt "terrible." Parkey had made three kicks prior to this one, but it's the only one that people will remember from the game.

We already got reactions from Eagles fans, and they were ecstatic, but they weren't the only ones to have strong emotions after the kick double-doinked.

Athletes -- and not just NFL ones -- jumped to Parkey's defense for the miss. Including Chicago's own Dwyane Wade, who knows a thing or two about clutch shots, who said that Parkey "faced the media like a true professional." He added that "Most of you have no idea how hard this is to do."

Kobe Bryant, meanwhile, had a slightly more competitive message. One that certainly befits the Black Mamba.

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Bryant also continued to tell Parkey to embrace the way of the Sith when a fan pointed out that Chicago is less than forgiving.

It's hard to imagine Parkey trying to have a rebound year with the Bears next year. Kicking was an issue for them all season. However, Eagles player Chris Long said that this shouldn't be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

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Parkey clearly has support, he said "every single one of [his teammates] said they got my back and that they love me and to not let this affect me. Of course, it's gonna sting for a few days" after the game to reporters, per ESPN.