Jets nose tackle Sione Po'uha got some wise advice on how to fry his first turkey. (US Presswire)

Who says offense and defense can't get along?

When Jets nose tackle Sione Po'uha needed help perfecting a skill, he went to the best person he could think of to help him: right guard Brandon Moore. The issue? Po'uha is getting ready to make his first fried turkey for Thanksgiving.

Moore -- whose nickname is Meat -- has several fried turkeys on his Thanksgiving resume, so, while Po'uha enlisted the assistance of a couple of his neighbors, he made sure to seek advice from Moore as well. The main concern, making sure the turkey doesn't explode, which would likely put a damper on the festivities.

Moore was more than happy to help and gave Po'uha an important tip: "Follow the directions on the fryer." Moore also recommended the driveway as an ideal frying locale. Nothing like the voice of experience.

One would assume that with this type of expertise, Moore would, of course, be making his own fried turkey, but alas not this year. Moore and his wife, Regina, had a culinary conflict. "She said it messes with her stuffing," Moore said. Apparently Regina uses the juices from the turkey to make her special stuffing, but the juice that comes from the fried turkey doesn't work as well. So, no fried turkey for the Moores this year.

Maybe the Po'uhas will take pity and invite them for leftovers.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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