On Thursday night, Los Angeles Rams quarterback Baker Mayfield lead an incredible comeback against the Las Vegas Raiders for a 17-16 Rams victory. What was more impressive, is Mayfield only had about 48 hours in L.A. before the game, as he was just picked up by the team this week after he was waived by the Carolina Panthers.

He had likely not even adjusted to the time zone yet, may not have known all his teammates' names and was unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the stadium, but somehow he had the chemistry with his offense to march 98 yards with 1:45 left in the game and no timeouts to score a touchdown and win the game. It really was one for the books. 

Such an excited and unexpected comeback warrants a celebration, naturally, but Mayfield does not celebrate like a typical player. For some reason, No. 17 likes to headbutt his players, which is totally normal for football, but the odd thing is he likes to do it without wearing a helmet.

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Mayfield went up to cornerback Robert Rochell, who was wearing a helmet, and launched at his head. Take a look at the helmet to non-helmet headbutt:

This seems like it could be an injury concern and looks like it hurts, but it is turning into Mayfield's go-to celebration. Back in November when he was in Carolina, Mayfield did the same thing after a game-winning field goal. He leaned in to headbutt every player in the line, despite only wearing a baseball hat.

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I get that Mayfield gets excited and wants to celebrate with his teammates, but maybe a handshake or a high-five is safer.